Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Make a Muscle Make a Difference Coupon Booklet at Safeway

Thanks KCL for letting us know about the new coupon booklet at Safeway and affiliate family stores! There's over $39.00 in manufacturer coupon savings inside the coupon book! These books normally go FAST so I'd make a special trip to grab a couple, but sure to leave some for your local couponer!


Anonymous said...

I could not find this at my store, where was it located in your store?

Andrea said...

They should be in all stores by now.

maylin said...

I found these on a display with school lunch snacks near the front of the store. The Safeway stores put them out this morning with the new sales. They had bunches of them still wrapped in plastic. Good Luck. Also there is another booklet with Kelloggs coupons at Kingsoopers and those are in a display cut out like a school bus. They are on the top inner part of the display.