Friday, July 30, 2010

FREEBIE FRIDAY FINDS: Grocery Store Weekly Coupon Match ups!


I didn't see anything... did you?


Speed Stick or Ladies Speed Stick $0.88 each
Use SmartSource $0.50/1 from 7/25 insert
Final Price:  FREE

Best Life Buttery Spread $1.00 each
Use Red Plum $1.00/1 from either 6/13 or 7/11 insert
Final Price:  FREE

Suave Deodorant $1.00 each
Use Red Pum $0.75/1 from 7/11 insert
Final Price:  FREE


Land O'Lakes Spreadable Light Butter (Fri & Sat only) $0.99 each
Limit 4
Final Price:  FREE

Joint Juice $0.88 each
Use SmartSource $1.00/1 from 7/11 insert
(this coupon will beep, but they should just adjust it)
Final Price:  FREE


I didn't see anything, did you?

1 comment:

Jen S said...

Crest Toothpaste is free after coupons at King Soopers. I don't have the dates they were in the newspaper though. I just picked up 11 tubes of it for free!